Sunday, 29 July 2012

Early Bird

Skunk nh...ak spatotnye otw ke ofis. Tetapi, due to a circumstances (pieja xde nk hantar ak..) , ak sampai sgt awal ke ofis hari ini. Yes. I'm currently at the office as u read. Ini sepatutnye da masuk berita muka dpn nh.

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Rancangan asal, nak naek tren. Kononnye...hehe. Ttp after playing psychology on dad, die pown decide nk hantar ak. Yea me!
Ok, pasni nk decide cne nak balik. Hmm..kene call kakak la nnt. It's a "good thing" i forgot my phone. <-- S*** nobody says @_@
Mne Norus nh?