Sunday, 29 July 2012

Early Bird

Skunk nh...ak spatotnye otw ke ofis. Tetapi, due to a circumstances (pieja xde nk hantar ak..) , ak sampai sgt awal ke ofis hari ini. Yes. I'm currently at the office as u read. Ini sepatutnye da masuk berita muka dpn nh.

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Rancangan asal, nak naek tren. Kononnye...hehe. Ttp after playing psychology on dad, die pown decide nk hantar ak. Yea me!
Ok, pasni nk decide cne nak balik. Hmm..kene call kakak la nnt. It's a "good thing" i forgot my phone. <-- S*** nobody says @_@
Mne Norus nh?

Saturday, 5 May 2012

Enjoying life

OK. It's been 8 days since i got back from d XML course and 'home-bounded' myself.
People say u might go cuckoo not going out for sometime n i'm trying to put the theory to the test.
It's fun really. I get to watch TV, sleep and eat all i want (like there's any food). N nobody wouldn't give a damn - except 'someone'. SUFFER, SUFFER, Suffer the waiting n longing. Huwahahaha.
I would usually sleep at min 4 in the morning and wake up no later than 3 p.m (one of the bad habit i developed).
Watched "The Da Vinci Code" finally and reruns of "Pride & Prejudice". Looveed it.
What else..
had myself some nice food i missed while in Perak eg: refreshing banana + chocolate smoothies with pearl from Each A Cup, Horlicks McFlurry and Chicken Foldover from McD and Subway sandwich.
Yeah, i've also develop another habit of drooling over those korean boybands. My inferiority complex.

Friday, 13 April 2012

Barbie UNO

Our newest addiction..BARBIE UNO.
Yeah, it's UNO. With BARBIE pictures on it. Sgt x macho.


We're so addicted that we sacrificed our usual afternoon nap time with a game of UNO. It's crazy!
And u would think dat it was going to be over, soon after someone said...UNO!
Well u're wrong. It would drag on until we actually gave up and raise the WHITE FLAG.
It's a phase we're going thru..i hope.

Nway, the XML classes r so far so good except the presentation we had on Monday. Dafuk!
Why, why won't u (sir) let us waste our lives playing and not give a damn. (*___*)

Sunday, 8 April 2012


I've been conflicting with my conscience lately. A lot. I'm scared. I'm scared that the moment that I come to my senses, it'll all be too late. Photographed memory now scares me than what it was before. I'm scared for my mom too. I couldn't blame the lack of guidance I never had. I'm a grownup now. It's now my own responsibility. Everything I do is all on me. Not my parents nor anyone else. I know that I should act on it NOW but why haven't I? Dear Allah, bless me with your guidance and blessings. Amin.

Thursday, 5 April 2012

MDeC continued..

Day 3rd, 4/4/12
  Pagi, we learned how to prepare ur presentation. What to do and what not. Die lps kami awal. Dlm kol 11.45 cmtu kot ntok touch up presentation kami.
Ptg came and it's presentation time! Everyone did ok. So, this is what i've learned, always practice and timed ur presentation beforehand. Ak x sempat nak habiskan isi2 ak yg ohsem mse presentation. Both of them. Terkilan btol. Argh. Benci, benci. :((

Day 4th, 3/4/12
  Siang tadi kami pergi INTERVIEW! I suck! (ak neves sbb ak org 1st). Interviewer: Pn Ana and partner in crime, En Hanafy. I really, really admired both of them, they way they are with us. They can connect with us easily. BTW, interview ni sesi ptg. Pagi tu kami belajar 'etiquette'. Dia tunjuk the proper way to pakai baju, mkn rasmi etc. And mse kritik pakaian, kat ak die ckp, "Go learn from your mom". And i was like, "mm..Ok" (no argue).
This is because, mak is the best and envied and awed when it comes to dressing up for work. I approve of this. Bila jln sbelah mak in her 'work mode', ak mcm bkn anak die. With my selipar jamban. Selekeh. Oups. 

Menjelang esok pagi, masuklah 5 hari kami bersama Pn Ana dan En Hanafy dlm kls motivasi mereka before we part ways. So sad.
And then they're off to KL for another session with some other people.

Wednesday, 4 April 2012


It's come to the 2nd day for the MDeC course.
Today, we showed off our creativity challenging Mr Edward de Bono's theory (on how our thoughts are represented by 5 different colors).
We've made head gears based on our OWN thoughts.
Yeah, hat making career? NOT for me. Why, a big, ugly and stupid cap.
I've even put it to test in the rain. F.A.I.L ! 

Ok. We're to do a presentation tomorrow.
My title: 
  >>3mins talks about Myself (i'm sick of myself)
  >>5mins on Job option in Penang or Singapore.
Wwhat am i going to talk about that long. 
21 yrs of living isnt much to talk about you know.
I've got a feeling that it will be a long day tomorrow.

**Wadaya know, the motivator, Pn Ana used to work with my dad a few years back (when he's still in Kompleks Antarabangsa). Of all the places, UiTM Seri Iskandar turn out to be our meeting point. It's Fated. Allah is Great.

Blue Tuesday (idea shoot)

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Dinner at Williams.

Assalamualaikum. Hello y'all!

We had a dinner at a place called William yesterday. The sign itself is unique. Imagine d Mcdonald sign painted red n placed upside down but with a William on top of it. Yeah. Unique. 

My sis n her 'bro' Joe kept saying, everything's big at William. BIG. I cant really processed the word until i see the food myself. WOW. IT IS BIG. Imagine eating from a full serving bowl n drinking a full jug of drinks on ur own. We had a hard time finishing things. N the laughing n rolling didnt help either. Haha. Wonderful times.